Sunday, March 13, 2011

blog1: Men are born

The sex of every human being naturally determined by the X and Y chromosomes.  XX determine the female sex while YX determine the male sex.  Biologists have researched and found out that the XX and XY cannot always produce a male or female gender.  The Y chromosome, which is the stronger chromosome, sometimes become defect and produces female genetals.  When this happens, it becomes the responsibility of doctors to correct the problem and either make the baby male or female.  However, it cannot be argued that because of such birth defects, men are made.

Having said this, I strongly believe that men are born.  Let us take for example women who conceive and attempt to have ultra sound tests.  During such tests, the gender of the baby, whether male or female, is revealed rightaway and almost in all cases, the women gives birth to the predicted gender unless there is a problem with the pregnancy.  If the baby is a male, he has a penis and if she is a female, she has her vagina.  This proves to me that men are born, not made. 

1 comment:

  1. Are sex and gender synonyms? In other words, do male and masculinity mean the same thing?

    Please review the reading by Fausto-Sterling. As she illustrates, not all babies are born as either male or female. There are instances of intersexed babies or babies whose genitals are not fully/sufficiently formed.
